Technical support adventure

About 1 year ago I have created an OVH Api Key via this endpoint and used it without problems until I needed to revoke it.

I searched a lot but found only a discussion on github about the same problem:

A user answered with this link:
It opens a French page showing how to do some things with API included Key revocation but honestly I didn’t understood it:

I tried to open a support ticket on April 2023 and here the ticket history:\

I had created api keys and now I would like to revoke them but I can’t find an option to do so. How can I do this?

Sorry, we do not offer assistance on issues or concerns about API.

You can check our guides for answers to your question:

Why you offer a free API Service but you can’t provide any support? It doesn’t make sense.
My response was:

Sorry but how can I revoke them?
The guides do not write that. I would need to revoke them, why would I leave a potential access port open on a service I don’t use?

We are sorry but as indicated we do not offer assistance on API.

Here you can find a partner to help you with the indicated operation:

A partner? And from that moment I gave up, it wasn’t a critical operation.

Then, 1 month ago I called OVH’s support just to try a different method that, for other problems, instead of opening a ticket in account, worked perfectly.
After talking with a person that unfortunately misunderstood my request, a “special” ticket was opened in my behalf and this was their answer:

Dear customer, key management is possible here, in the “me/api” option:

Ok, finally a solution! 🎉

How to revoke?

To revoke API keys we need to:

  1. Open the second link that support provided to me.

  2. Login into the API Panel with a small Validity period (not Unlimited!)

  3. Execute GET /me/api/application and it will return all your created API keys in a 6 digit ApplicationID value

  4. Now we need the first link to verify the API Key we want to revoke is the correct one, useful if you have more than 1 API Key.
    To do so, open the first link, put the 6 digit value and hit Execute. The result will be similar to:

  5. And the last thing to do is to delete the API Key.
    Go to and put the same 6 digit value used in the previous step and then hit Execute, if the response is null then your API Key is gone!